Tailors That Travel Overseas to Offer Custom Clothing

In a world where convenience meets couture, Tailors Bangkok redefines the traditional tailor-client dynamic. Our commitment to delivering bespoke elegance is further demonstrated through our exclusive global tailoring service. Discover the Tailors Bangkok convenience as we bring competitively-priced bespoke elegance to your country.

Bringing the Experience to You – Overseas

Our clients will know that Tailors Bangkok operates exclusively through a tailor-on-call service. Even in Bangkok, we do not have a physical store – we come to you. Whether you’re staying in a hotel during your time here or live in a condo/house, we’ll come to you to measure you for your custom garments, design them with your input and bring along fabric samples for you to choose from. You may be pleased to know that Tailors Bangkok travels overseas to offer custom clothing too, in a similar manner.

Our tailors travel to cities around the world, and if you reside near these cities, then you can take advantage of the Tailors Bangkok experience and meet us at a designated hotel suite in your city. As we do in Bangkok, we will measure you for your custom garments, design them with your input, and bring along several fabric samples for you to choose from.

The Process

The journey begins with a consultation, where our expert tailors understand your style, preferences, and fit requirements. Armed with a curated selection of fabrics and design inspiration, we go over the different details of your garment with you so that you can end up with a garment that’s truly yours.

Once the design is finalized, our tailors take your measurements; and this becomes the blueprint for making a garment that not only fits you well but also complements your style sense.

Why Tailors Bangkok

Now that we’ve outlined the process of our overseas tailor service, here’s why you should choose Tailors Bangkok for your custom clothing:

Our name may be new but our tailors have been making suits for clients from all over the world, for a long time. We go through the entire process with you, knowing that different clients have different levels of experience working with tailors. We guide you through the customization process, selecting fabrics, and so forth. We do this so you can end up with clothing that you truly love. And, lastly, our prices are highly competitive. You will find that our overseas tailor service, considering the quality, is priced very reasonably. In fact, you can expect your custom clothing to cost around the same as decent quality ready-to-wear equivalents.

Embark on a Sartorial Journey with Tailors Bangkok

Whether you’re in Bangkok or continents away, Tailors Bangkok’s global tailoring service ensures that bespoke elegance is never out of reach. Contact us today to learn more about our global tailor service or to be notified when we’ll be visiting your city next.